08 July

Allah is Al-Bari: School Holiday Program

Jul 08 10:00am -2:00pm

Bankstown, Chester Hill and Liverpool


Event Closed

This event has reached its enrolment capacity and is now full.
Unfortunately we won’t be able to accept any more enrolments.
We apologies for any inconvenience.
Return to the Alfirdaus events page here.


Date:Jul 08 10:00am -2:00pm
Event Category:School Holiday Program


Venue Name:Alfirdaus College
Address:Bankstown, Chester Hill and Liverpool

Allah (SWT) created everything! He is Al-Bari, the one that fashioned everything with perfection, including our home – the Earth! Join us as we learn about the Earth as our chosen planet to live on, the spectacular creations and sustenance on land and under the sea that Allah (SWT) has created. We will also explore how to protect the wonderful home we have been given by Allah (SWT).

Date: 8th July – 11th July
Time: 10am – 2pm
Age: 3-10 years old
Price: $100
Location: Bankstown, Chester Hill and Liverpool

Registrations close Friday 5th July 2024.