Alfirdaus graduates are devout, spirited and engaged Muslims:

Devout (Knowledge)
Our students are inspired by a rich Arabic and Islamic history that drives Muslim devotion through education.

Spirited (Attitude)
Our students reconcile their religion with their contemporary life; they are positive, hopeful, confident and driven to make a difference in this life, for the next.

Engaged (Practice)
Our students positively engage in wider society while holding onto their religious values and practices by applying their Islamic knowledge and skills to everyday life.

Our students are:

  • Informed citizens who positively contribute to society on a local, national and global level
  • Lifelong learners of the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • Committed to achieving their full potential – intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically
  • Appreciative of and value their Islamic faith and its relevance in all aspects of their life
  • Progressive-thinking individuals with a positive outlook on life

Quran 11:88

“My Success is Only by Allah “