Quran Ijaza

An ijaza is the permission granted to recite (with tajweed) and teach the Quran to others. It is a licence that certifies that the reader has recited the Quran with the correct recitation (tajweed) principles and as followed by the narration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

This program has been designed for students who are interested in memorising the Quran and mastering its recitation with the proper recitation (tajweed) principles. Students are introduced to the tajweed theory of Al-Muqaddimah Al-Jazariyyah which is considered to be the most important reference/text book about tajweed and Quran recitation rules.

In addition to theory, students will apply the principles studied in their recitation of the Quran. Students who are able to fluently read the Quran with the correct recitation (tajweed) principles will be able to advance to studying the most common style of recitation – narration Hafs ‘an ‘Asim. Upon completion, students will proceed to learn another style of recitation.

At the completion of the program, students will be awarded with an ijaza certificates in Quran recitation with a chain of narration to the Prophet (PBUH).


Target age: 14+ years old

Length of class: 1.5 hours

Frequency: Once a week

Availability: Friday, 5pm – 8pm and Saturday 9am – 12pm at Bankstown

Duration: 10 weeks per term; 4 terms a year

Course completion: Dependant on the student

Pre-requisites:  Student must be proficient in the reading of the Quran

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