The incident report is the responsibility of the Head Teacher or the Centre Manager on duty at the time of the incident.

The purpose of this Incident Report is to record an incident that has happened at Alfirdaus College, identify the persons involved, determine its possible cause, document any actions taken, and make it known to stakeholders.

Refer class roll for Student details

Compliance officer to review and manage all incidents recorded as amber or red

    Person details


    Record details of incident

    FallBumpAbrasion/scrapeBiteBroken bone/fractureBruiseBurnConcussionCutSprainSwellingOther

    DiabetesVomitingHigh TemperatureCoughingSore ThroatSore StomachCOVID SymptomsHeadacheAsthma attackFit/seizureAnaphylactic reactionFaintingDizzinessAllergic reactionOther

    If Incident Type 'Bullying' or 'Behaviour of concern' is selected the submitted incident form will be sent to

    ArgumentPhysical Fight/altercationTruantingBullyingBehaviour of concernWet themselvesOther

    Action Taken by Teacher/ Staff attending to Student



    Attach supporting documentation (optional)

    Accepted file types: Word Doc, PDF, Images, 5mb size limit

    Incident Outcome

    Details of Staff member completing this record
